15 Books On Mental Health That Everyone Should Read

Books on mental health: While I appreciate a good fantasy novel or a whirlwind romance, I have a soft spot for non-fiction reads, especially those focusing on mental health. With everything going on in the world, it’s clear that things aren’t exactly sunshine and rainbows, and it’s taking a toll on people’s mental well-being. If you’ve been struggling, you’re definitely not alone. The past few years have been tough for many of us, and most of us could use a reminder of the basics of mental health care, like understanding it and taking care of ourselves.

If you’re interested in learning more about mental health, these books are a great starting point. However, it’s important to note that reading alone is not a substitute for professional help. These books can provide helpful advice for casual readers, but for serious mental health issues, it’s best to seek assistance from a professional. That being said, if you’re looking to explore topics like anxiety, combating burnout, or understanding how parental trauma can impact your life, you’ll find something of interest among these top 15 books about mental health.

Here are 15 books on mental health that everyone should read:

1. Dopamine Nation

books on mental health

Our phones have become quite addictive, haven’t they? Whether it’s the instant satisfaction of posting a new photo on Instagram and getting likes, or ordering a pizza with just a few taps on Postmates and having it delivered to your door in no time, we’re constantly seeking that quick hit of dopamine. In her book, psychiatrist Dr. Anna Lembke delves into our relentless pursuit of pleasure and offers insights into how we can address it.

2. Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?

Picture Dr. Julie Smith as your go-to for boosting your mental resilience. She shares some valuable advice on handling anxiety, depression, and criticism, while also offering strategies for boosting self-confidence and practicing self-forgiveness – stuff we all could benefit from, right? She breaks it down in a way that helps you grasp how your mind operates.

3. How to Do the Work

Dr. Nicole LePera, also known as The Holistic Psychologist, is sharing some awesome mental health tips that you definitely want to hear. She’s bringing a mix of wisdom and humor to help you tackle your emotional issues, spot those pesky negative habits, and start owning your life like a boss. It’s like getting a pep talk from your coolest friend who’s got your back. So, why wouldn’t you want to tune in?

4. Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

Who doesn’t want to live a long and fulfilling life, right? Well, there’s this village in Japan where people seem to have found the secret to longevity. It’s called “ikigai,” which basically means having a purpose or reason for living. Having something that gets you out of bed each morning and makes you feel like your life has meaning. It’s what keeps these folks feeling happy and fulfilled, and it could do the same for you.

5. Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts

You know that feeling when your mind just won’t quit? Well, this book has some seriously helpful advice for dealing with that. It’ll show you how to kick those negative thoughts to the curb (and you’ll get a good laugh from the funny stories in the book too). Imagine finally getting some peace of mind back. Sounds pretty great, huh?

6. That Little Voice In Your Head

Negative self-talk can really get to us, right? But how do we tackle it head-on? Well, it’s all about shifting our mindset. Sure, it sounds simple, but it’s a bit of a journey. This book dives into the inner workings of our minds and offers practical strategies to rewire them. Think of it as your personal roadmap to cultivating a more positive outlook.

7. Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Sometimes, we’re really tough on ourselves, saying things we’d never dream of saying to a friend. Learning to handle those negative thoughts and beat them is tough, but it’s a journey worth taking. This book is here to guide you through that journey.

8. The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma


Dr. Bessel van der Kolk’s book is essential reading for anyone looking to grasp the impact of trauma on our minds and bodies. It delves into how trauma can fundamentally change us physically and emotionally. Moreover, it offers insights into various therapeutic approaches that can aid in reclaiming our sense of joy, trust, and self-regulation.

9. The Courage To Be Disliked

Feeling constantly worried about whether others approve of you can be really tiring. This book is all about breaking away from the pressure of meeting others’ expectations and overcoming the barriers we create for ourselves.

10. I’m So Effing Tired: A Proven Plan to Beat Burnout, Boost Your Energy, and Reclaim Your Life

I’ve never felt more connected to a book’s title, and I bet many others feel the same way. Burnout seems to be everywhere, and we’re all just pushing through each day, trying to make it. This book covers everything from how we eat to managing stress, aiming to help you regain your energy.

11. Lost in my Mind

Not all books on mental health need to be filled with advice or scientific studies. This poetry collection delves into topics like anxiety, depression, and self-acceptance with grace, emotion, and a sense of connection that many people can relate to.

12. The Highly Sensitive Person

If you’ve often been told that you’re “too sensitive” or “too shy,” it could mean you’re a highly sensitive person. This book includes quizzes to help you recognize your own traits and offers advice on managing overwhelming situations and boosting your confidence.

13. Stop Overthinking

We humans tend to get stuck in our heads sometimes, thinking about things way more than we need to. But let’s face it, all that overthinking doesn’t do us any favors. It can actually make things worse. This book is here to shed some light on why we get caught up in endless cycles of thinking and give you some practical tips to stop the cycle and move forward.

14. Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

If you think your parents might not have been emotionally mature while raising you, this book is a great resource. It’ll give you insight into their behavior and what you can expect from them. Plus, it’ll help you see how their actions may have influenced your own behavior.

15. What Happened to You?

Did you know Oprah Winfrey co-authored a book on mental health? Yep, she did! Teaming up with Dr. Bruce D. Perry, they explore the concept of not constantly blaming ourselves or doubting our feelings. Instead, they encourage us to examine the traumas we’ve experienced that may have shaped our reactions. It’s all about shifting the focus from asking “What’s wrong with you?” to “What happened to you?”

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